What do we offer?
Microsoft Security from Noventiq
Manage business securely while working remotely.
The workforce of thousands of organizations around the world became entirely remote regardless of size, have been trending toward mobility in some aspects of their operations, few companies and learning institutions were set up to operate 100% remotely. COVID-19 became a catalyst for managing a remote workforce with immediacy and at scale.
Infrastructure for a remote workforce
Infrastructure security is a fundamental concern when scaling a remote workforce. There’s a substantial difference between an infrastructure that supports employees taking laptops home to monitor email and a complete architecture for a mobile workforce. Originally built for in-office work, many infrastructures weren’t initially prepared for a large scale—and immediate—transition to a remote workforce.
Data sensitivity, compliance, and protection: Information rights management
Organizations are constantly on the watch to make sure the sensitive information throughout their entire data estate is protected. Any new data estate added to an organization must be accounted for as a new variable. Security teams must work continuously to discover sensitive data and to classify, label, and protect it from all the various ingress and egress points in an ever-growing perimeter.
People - Identity and access management
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Microsoft’s identity platform, is used by organizations for authenticating their users to provide access to their applications and infrastructure. Organizations set authentication policies to define the conditions under which users can access resources.
Enterprise resilience: The new reality
Extending the enterprise security boundary beyond the on-site perimeter.
Prioritizing resilient performance.
Validating the resilience of the human Infrastructure.
Market Value Proposition
Consolidate security with a more costeffective solution
Deliver unified enduser experiences for greater security
Reduce cyber risk with integrated, best-in-class protection